A small loan program to assist working families with obtaining a vehicle.
The Wheels for Work program is currently closed. Stay tuned for up-to-date information on our Facebook page.
Wheels for Work program seeks to provide transportation to people who are attempting to secure and keep gainful employment.
To apply you must:
Be an Allegany County resident
Have a minor child or dependent
Have a household gross income that does not exceed 200% of the current Federal Poverty Income Standards
Currently work 20 or more hours/week (Recent paystubs or tax returns if self employed required as proving documentation)
Have a valid NYS drivers license
Must complete a budget to provide evidence of excess cash of at least $100/month
Vehicle Requirements:
Must be purchased from a certified NYS auto dealer
Chosen vehicle should be no older than 12 years and have no more than 110,000 miles
Full insurance coverage is required (collision, comprehensive, and liability)
Purchased vehicles are required to have lemon law coverage or an equal warranty
Maximum Loan Amount: $10,000
Loan Payment Terms: 36 months at 0% interest